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About Me

Welcome to my website. You will not often catch me going on about myself, so when you do, I keep it short and sweet.
My goal is to secure a stable client base using my creative skills as an artist/designer. This means making you happy so you’ll come here for any and all of your advertising and production needs.

My ideal work scenario would be having the option of telecommuting with periodical meets. If you have a growing family life, you can understand. This would also help to aviod distracting office politic situations. Again, it's an ideal scenario and not a requirement.

The majority of my background is in the print industry, where I’ve used my skills as an illustrator and graphic designer on newspapers, testing booklets, comic books, CD packages, legal documents, brochures, booklets, business cards, flyers, packaging, character design, photo restoration, etc.
During my time in the print industry, I have received seven Texas Community Newspaper Association Awards (three 1st place, three 2nd place, and one 3rd place) for advertising design, composition and use of color.

For the past five years, I've been employed full-time at a large-scale testing company, where, as my supervisor tells me, "You make a lot of people look slow."

You can be assured more skill and creativity for your money and quality and originality in a prompt and professional manner.


MUSIC Production


Robert Mendez III

The music playing on my pages was made on my iMac using GarageBand and my keyboard. Every now and then, I'll collaborate with actual musicians.

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[San Francisco 2010

Some types of stereoscopic photos are viewed through special glasses. The best way to describe how to view these images is to cross your eyes till the two images meet as one image in the center and focus in on that center image. Enjoy!

Have you heard about this?! I think it's just too cool. At one point, I thought that photographs didn't quite capture the world the way I remembered.

This type of photography does. I especially like the pictures with my wife in them. Now that's beauty!



Comics, Restaurants, Books, Movies, Music, Games, Events, Travel, Leisure.

From time to time, I'll enjoy (or not enjoy) something so much my wife and I will write a review about it. It also gives us the opportunity to exercise our writing and designing talents.


© Theodoro Gomez Jr., All rights reserved, 2010